Aerial Arts, Pilates & Fitness by Katya Guimaraes


What is Pilates? 

     The Pilates Method of Body conditioning was developed by Joseph Hubertus Pilates. It is a unique system of stretching and strengthening exercises. It strengthens and tone the muscles, improve posture by achieving a better alignment of the spine, provides flexibility and balance, and prevent injuries. It focuses on training body and mind to work together toward the goal of over all fitness. Pilates believed that his method would help people to become more productive both mentally and physically.

About Katyalates

     Alignment and Fitness Class based on Pilates. The class is a combination of Pilates Mat class and Fitness exercises which are performed with a variety of props such as Phisio and Medicine Ball, Flex Band , Foam rollers, and light weight lifting technique. The class combines breathing and exercises to strengthen, lengthen, and tone the body. The exercises performed in class increase body awareness and prevent injuries by strengthening the stomach area, lower back, hips and butocks which are responsible for the support of the entire body. Therefore, control of the movements and properly breathing are essentially important to get the body and mind involved during the exercises which will also improve concentration. You will achieve a balanced body, toned and flexible muscles followed by an improved posture reducing the risk of injuries.